Supporting at-risk children and elders with the love and services they deserve is one of the greatest gifts of kindness you can share. Through your support, the Global Ministries Child and Elder Sponsorship Program partners with churches and agencies all over the world to provide services that create opportunities and affirm dignity.
Collaborating with partners, your gifts to Child Sponsorship provide food, basic health care, clothing, and in some cases housing, school fees, uniforms, books, and training.
If you wish to contribute to the support of THILATHOMA, please click DONATE above, enter your contribution and type THILATHOMA in the comment section. Checks are also welcome by writing the same in the memo section and submitting to the church office.
St. Paul's Church and THILATHOMA thank you for your sincere generosity.

Thilathoma is a 6 year old living in India and studying in 2nd Grade. She likes to play with dolls and with her friends in the park. She loves the swing. She eats well; gains weight steadily. Her vaccination is up-to-date.

St. Paul's Sponsorship Child