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  For 19 years, Knot Just Quilters at St. Paul United Church of Christ has been doing great work giving back to the community.  Taking donations of material and yarn from congregation members, relatives, friends and neighbors, Knot Just Quilters meets four hours once a month to create an array of items that are donated to seven non-profit organizations.  Several of the members also do prep work at home.  Each member contributes her talent by focusing on a specific area such as quilting, knitting, etc.

  Organizations that benefit from their work include:  Back @You, Birthright Counseling, Nurses for Newborns, Our Lady’s Inn, Little Patriots Embraced, St. Louis County Humane Society and Emmaus Homes.  Infants are the recipients of a bag packed with covers, burb cloths, bibs and knitted caps and booties.  The tote bag itself is a repurposed fabric tote that has been embellished to hide the imprinted advertiser’s logo.  Raffle baskets have also been made and donated to Emmaus Homes for The Friend’s Foundation silent auction.  Knitted hats are given to Back @You for inclusion in backpacks given to the unhoused community.


  Knot Just Quilters has been recognized by the United States Marines for their contribution to Little Patriots Embraced, an organization that provides boxes to children of deployed service members.  Part of the contents of the box is a stuffed Teddy Bear wearing a t-shirt and a medal around its neck.  The group makes shorts from patriot themed material that are placed on the Teddy Bear to make their wardrobe complete!  In 2020, the ladies made 208 Teddy Bear shorts.


  Sustainability is an important part of the group’s work.  In addition to recycling fabric and materials that may otherwise end up in a landfill, the ladies are very frugal in using all scraps.  Fabric that is too small for a standard size quilting square is set aside to make dog beds that are donated to the St. Louis County Humane Society.  Old t-shirts are also cut up to use for projects.


  The group is always looking for new places to donate.  Donations of fabric, material and yarn is always welcomed and appreciated.  To donate, please e-mail

Seated: Mary Ann Morcom, Jane Schwager, Lois Storch, Patty Vornberg

Standing: Linda Stewart, Norma Keller, Nancy D'Arcy

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3510 Giles Ave.

St. Louis, MO 63116



At the heart of any church's life is the spirit of dedication shown through our church members and friends in all the ways they volunteer and serve.  Volunteers are the lifeblood of St. Paul.

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